Swansea retail park to welcome Costa Eco Pod concept

Hammerson is to bring Costa’s carbon neutral Eco Pod concept to Parc Tawe in Swansea, South Wales. The initiative reflects Hammerson’s objective to reduce carbon emissions to less than zero as part of its ambitious Net Positive target.

Working alongside Costa, the 186 sq m store will be the second Eco Pod that Hammerson has delivered to its retail park portfolio following the successful debut of the award winning concept at Wrekin Retail Park, Telford in 2015.

The Eco Pod, which uses environmentally-friendly building design and innovative energy saving technologies, will open in the Autumn.

Initiatives used to create this building, which is carbon neutral, excluding energy consumed by internal operating equipment, include:

• A special timber frame constructed using sustainably sourced timber as an alternative to a traditional steel frame, reducing the embodied carbon footprint of the building.
• A super-insulated facade using wood with excellent energy retention properties (keeping more heat in during the winter and also helping to keep the interior cool in summer)
• ntelligent orientation of the building to achieve optimum levels of sun and shade, impacting on overall energy requirements for heating and cooling
• Photovoltaic (PV) panels on the roof

The development will be delivered in line with Hammerson’s Positive Places strategy, which recently launched a bold new objective to become Net Positive across four key areas: carbon, water, resource use and socio-economic impact by 2030.