P&H launches new website as part of dedication to digital

Palmer and Harvey, the UK’s number 1 delivered wholesaler, has re-launched its website with a brand-new look and better functionality, creating a seamless path through to the online ordering service.

Visitors to the website are instantly greeted with a modern new design and top product offers as soon as they hit the homepage, with much clearer navigation elements to make their experience quicker and easier than ever before.

Rob James, Palmer and Harvey’s Digital Marketing Manager, says, “Palmer and Harvey’s online business has grown an incredible 40% year-on-year, and this statistic alone highlights how important the online channel is becoming.

'With the accelerating pace of life, retailers are becoming more and more time-starved, and we want to help our existing customers and potential new customers by making continual improvements to the online journey. Ultimately, we want to ensure that navigating through the website is as quick and as easy as possible.”

The re-launch follows the successful ‘Easy Order’ iPhone app, which was launched at last year’s Pro-retail and is free to download. The app is available to all retailers who use Palmer and Harvey online ordering and Palmer and Harvey will make similar mobile functionality available to other mobile/tablet users in the near future.

It is expected that, as retailers become increasingly online savvy, more customers will choose online as their preferred method of ordering, which is why Palmer and Harvey has such a focus on ‘digital’. As well as the new website and mobile ordering, it has also recently started to email promotions to its customers and offering online promotions. Palmer and Harvey is keen to stress that this is just the beginning, and there is much more to come.