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BBPA clarifies codes system in place for pubs in Scotland

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has moved to clarify suggestions that there is no code governing pubs in Scotland, highlighting that the PIRRS and PICA services are available to Scottish tenants and lessees.

Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive, BBPA, commented, “It is important to be aware that there is an industry Pubs Code specific to Scotland that we and others have developed, and our members are signed up to. There are Scottish-based PIRRS experts available for rent disputes, and any hearings would be held in Scotland. Other code disputes can also be heard by PICA-Service in Scotland.

“This safeguards Scottish tenants, and it is worth adding that the structure of the pub industry in Scotland is different to that in England, with just 17 per cent of pubs operating as leased or tenanted, compared with 40 per cent in the UK as a whole, with a wide selection of beers to foster consumer choice.

“We need systems that work in the best interests of Scottish pubs, and the legislative route is not always the best solution.”