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BBPA welcomes UK’s first carbon capture project, turning fumes into beer

The British Beer & Pub Association has welcomed Government plans for the UK’s first carbon capture usage and storage (CCUS) project, creating the ability to turn dirty fumes into delightful beer.

The plans are in part a result of the BBPA calling for the Government to put a stop to the CO2 shortages experienced this summer, which affected some of the brewing and pub sector during the World Cup.

Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said, “The BBPA has been working with the wider food and drink sector to look at the CO2 shortages we experienced over the summer.

'Given the demand for CO2 from a range of industries in the UK and the current state of the supply chain to provide it, there is a very real danger that such shortages could happen again.

“We therefore welcome this Government investment for the capture of CO2. It will allow us to turn dirty fumes into delightful beer, ensuring CO2 shortages don’t affect the beer and pub industry in the future. Time is of the essence of course, so we need this new technology and investment as soon as possible.”